News Room
MoU signed between German Development Organisation and Southeast University
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the German Development Organization, GIZ, Germany and Southeast University on February 8 at the Conference Room of Southeast University.
Professor Dr ANM Meshquat Uddin, Vice Chancellor (Acting), Southeast University and Magnus Schmid, Programme Coordinator, GIZ, Germany signed the MoU on behalf of Southeast University and GIZ, Germany respectively. The Department of Textile Engineering and GIZ, Gerrmany will jointly offer ETP Management Course to fulfill the demand of appropriate ETP Managers.
Seed Conference at BAU
A four-day long International Seed Conference concluded at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) on February 11. The conference with a slogan “The role of quality seed for food security in climate change” began on February 8 at BAU. Seed Science Society of Bangladesh at BAU and Seed Wing of Agriculture Ministry jointly organised the conference.
State minister for land advocate Mustafizur Rahman was the chief guest at the inaugural session.
Freshers' reception at Comilla University
Fresher's reception programme was held at Management Studies department of Comilla University on February 2, 2012. The university adorned a festive look.
The students of Management Studies department cordially received the freshers of the 6th batch students. In his speech Chairman of the Management Studies department Dr Mohammad Ahsan Ullah said, “We are working hard to provide top quality education to our students. All types of efforts have been taken to ensure quality education in spite of having few limitations as a new university."
Green Road Campus of UAP Inaugurated
The excavation work for the Green Road Campus Building Project of University of Asia Pacific (UAP) started on February 9, 2012. Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, A A Kamruzzaman, Convener of University Development Committee, Architect Mahbuba Haque, former Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Engineer M Abu Taher and other members of the Board of Trustees were present on the occasion.
It is expected that the second phase of work will be completed in less than 30 months and the building will be ready for use before the end of 2014. A collective prayer was offered and blessings were sought for the earliest and safest completion of the programme.
Bashanta Utshab 2012 celebrated
North South University (NSU) celebrated 'Bashanta Utshab 2012' (spring festival) on February 13 at its campus. The cultural club of NSU organised Bangla Fair, 'Bawol gan' to celebrate 'Basanta Utsab' this year.
NSU Foundation Chair, Mohammed Shajahan inaugurated the function. The fair hold decorated stalls displaying Bangla food, colourful clothes etc.
Seminar on Transit to India
A seminar on 'Transit to India: Economics, Politics, and Security' was organised by the Institute of Development, Environmental and Strategic Studies (IDESS) of North South University recently.
Dr Hafiz G A Siddiqi, Vice Chancellor was the chief guest. Topics like “Security Aspects of Transit to India”, “Linkage Politics in Transit to India”, and, “Transit to India: Economic Aspects” were discussed.
Photography Competition and Exhibition
The prize giving ceremony of “Intra NSU Photography Competition 2011” arranged by North South University Photography Club (NSUPC) took place on February 12, 2012. It was a theme based exhibition on 'Dhaka'. The Vice-Chancellor of North South University Dr Hafiz G A Siddiqi handed over prizes to the winners.
The selected photographs will be on display from February 12-15, 2012 at Recreation Center of North South University campus from 10 am to 6 pm.
The winners in the 'Black and White' category are Saiful Abedin Safi and Pritom Das. In 'Colour' category Joaher Musavvir Jyoti, Faheem Kamal, Shafayet Chowdhury won the top three prizes respectively.
Parents Day Observed at IUBAT
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) observed Parents' Day as a part of its month long 21st Foundation Day Celebration on February 6, 2012 at its campus at Uttara. The ceremony was attended by the parents of the freshers, and faculties. The campus which stands on the bank of the river Turag and surrounded by greenery adorned a festive look.
Professor Dr M Alimullah Miyan, Vice-Chancellor of IUBAT presided over the ceremony. In his speech he emphasised on developing human resources through appropriate teaching, training and guidance.
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