Feed Board
Football All The Way!
The spotlight on football craze was a great read. It's a sad thing that though we have hundreds of football fans in our country, some of whom literally eat, drink and dream football, our national team has so far been unsuccessful to make their feat in international football. It was great to know from the spotlight that young people, both boys and girls are trying to make a difference by promoting underground football clubs on their own. Government organisations like the sports ministry or BKSP should give necessary assistance to these underground clubs, so that one day they can produce fully professional players.
Rajibul Huq
University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
Music That Touches Soul
Last week's Post Campus was a really different piece compared to other articles that are usually published in Star Campus. I am a music aficionado and love to read write-ups on music. Asrar Chowdhury's views have always been enlightening, and like always this piece was out-of-the-box too. It showed that music is a universal language indeed. Mehdi Hasan's ghazals are evergreen, and they continue to move anyone who listens to them. It's great that Star Campus payed a tribute to his music. I would suggest the Star Campus team to publish more write-ups on music since music and youth have always gone hand in hand. Perhaps some continuous write ups on different genres of music would be exciting.
Muhammed Jahangir Hossain
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
For Fashion and Accessories
Last week's Campus Trends article on spectacles and frames turned out to be very useful for me. I am quite a fashionable person and I love adding new accessories to my get-up every now and then. The article on frames helped me add something new to my accessories. I bought a bunch of plastic, colourful frames from the places that were mentioned in the article for cheap prices. I wear them every now and then depending on my outfit. I hope Star Campus comes up with more of these unique ideas for their Campus Trends section.
Junayna Kibria
North South University, Dhaka.
Unutilised Talent
The last spotlight on football was a very interesting one. It tells us about the talent the youth in our country has in soccer and how they are not properly nourished. Indeed, the youth in our country has a lot of passion and emotion for the game. We can see this during events like the World Cup or the ongoing Euro 2012. People from all ages are simply crazy for the game! I hope the authorities will pay attention and take necessary steps to nurture the talent our country is blessed with. We hope to see our national football team compete in the international level as our cricket team does!
Arhan Shafat
Scholastica School, Dhaka.

Tahsan Khan

What's Playing?
1. Comfortably Numb- Pink Floyd
2. Fragile- Sting
3. Neela- Miles
4. Wicked Game- Chris Isaak
5. Darling Pretty- Mark Knopfler
6. Take Me for A Little While- Coverdale and Page
7. Jochonabihar- Bappa Mojumder
8. Somebody That I Used To Know- Gotye
9. Set Fire to the Rain- Adele
10. Alhamdulillah- Maher Zain |
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Write us feeds between 100-150 words and send them with your full name, contact number, postal address and the institution you study or work at. Email them to us at starcampus@thedailystar.net or mail them to us at 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215. |