Find yourself spoiled for choice

Nestled along the shores of Canada's great Lake Superior is the city of Thunder Bay. At the geographic centre of Canada and home to around 110,000 people, Thunder Bay is known for its reputation of being clean, safe, and friendly making it the perfect choice for international students!
With its main campus in Thunder Bay, Confederation College offers students a pick of more than 50 different academic programs. The subject areas range from the more traditional including Business, Accounting, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Marketing, and Human Resource Management to the more unique. Imagine, for example, following your love of travel to complete a diploma in Adventure and Ecotourism… or taking a slightly different path, and perhaps studying the art of Culinary or Hospitality Management. Confederation College also offers diplomas in such diverse areas as Television Broadcasting, Forest Ecosystem Management, and Aerospace Manufacturing.

But wait a minute, you might ask, does attending a 'college' versus a 'university' hurt my chances of gaining employment later on? Absolutely not! With 90.3% of all students accepting employment within six month of graduation, Confederation is rated #1 for graduate employment across all of Ontario. And with 93.8% of employers stating they are either satisfied or very satisfied with their employed Confederation College graduates, there is a clear consensus a Confederation education properly prepares a student to enter the working world.
Or, for students who are interested in continuing their education, a Confederation diploma can also act as a stepping-stone towards receiving a university degree. As the college has articulation agreements with a number of universities, both across Canada and abroad, international students can now follow their Confederation diploma with a university degree, after only one or two more years of study!
Interested in learning more about studies in Canada? Be sure to visit Even better, come and meet us in person either by dropping by our Dhaka-based Canadian University Application Centre (or 'CUAC') office on Gulshan, or by attending the Third Annual CUAC Canadian Education Fair in Dhaka. Many Canadians will travel to Dhaka to help you in person.
WHEN: Friday, 12th October - 12 noon to 8 pm
WHERE: The Westin Hotel, Gulshan 2, Dhaka
*** BY INVITATION ONLY. Contact us today (via email at or by phone at 02.8826445) to book your place!
Quick Facts About Confederation College
Located: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Campuses: In addition to the main Thunder Bay campus, Confederation has 8 regional campuses located across Northwestern Ontario
Student Population: Approximately 3,400 full-time & 10,000 part-time students
Academic Schools of Study:
School of Business, Hospitality and Media Arts
School of Engineering Technology
School of Health and Community Services
School of Aviation
