
<%-- Page Title--%> Dhaka Diary <%-- End Page Title--%>

<%-- Volume Number --%> Vol 1 Num 134 <%-- End Volume Number --%>

December 19, 2003

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Tit for Tat

I was eating jhal muri with some friends of mine at the Malibagh turning when a beggar came by to ask for some money. He was rather old and was pleading us to give him one taka. He also offered to pray for us in return. I was in a mocking mood and told him, “I don't have any money but I'm sure that you have some. Why don't you pay my rickshaw fare.” Eventhough I was only joking the beggar took me seriously and gave me one taka, which he already had in his hand. I went on with my joke and said that my rickshaw fare would come to Tk.12. The old man started to grope about in his dirty old bag and came up with Tk.12 in old and somewhat tattered notes. He then handed the money over to me and walked off. I was amused but was certain that the beggar would return at any moment to claim back his money. He never did. I noticed him in the distance as he was walking away and guilt took over me. I ran up to him and gave him his money back along with a little extra. He simply smiled. I guess the joke was really on me.

Rokan, East Goran, Khilgaon

Caugh in the Act

I was returning home after my tuition when I noticed a large crowd as Bakshi Bazaar Alia Madrasha gate. The crowd was beating a small boy, hardly nine years old. The boy was screaming in pain and had tears all over his face. I came to know that the little boy was a pick-pocket. He was caught red handed and was heavily paying the price. I wondered if the boy really was guilty. The people around were laughing and cheering on the others who were busy kicking the boy like a football. I was not too sure if the boy would live through all this commotion. It is very easy to take out all our frustrations and anger on a weak little boy but what courage do we really show when it comes to punishing the real criminals of our country?

Md. Mahabubur Rahman, Shere-Bagla Hall, BUET

Unlawful Lawmen

A couple of weeks back, I was on a bus passing by Bangla-Motor. I was stuck there in a jam. I was aimlessly looking around when my attention was on a police van with some policemen around it. There were about five of them looking here and there. Suddenly, two of them went over to a mobile vendor, a small boy about ten years old, who was selling bananas by the footpath. First, I saw them ask something to the little boy and then, they suddenly lifted his basket and put it in the police van. The little boy was franticvally going to-and-fro but to no avail. He seemed totally lost and was totally outnumbered by all the 'mastaans' in uniform. The last thing that the boy could do was to fall to the feet of one of the policemen, but the policeman was cruel enough to trample on his fingers. It was very pathetic to see the little boy so helpless and all the policemen enjoying the situation. The banana basket could be the little boy whole life earnings. The people around didn't seem much bothered either. My shock and anger ended abruptly as my bus started to move and the incident was left behind me.

Md. Jabed Amin, Khilkhet



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