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     Volume 6 Issue 6 | February 16, 2007 |

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"You look troubled, what's your problem?"


"You look troubled," I told my friend, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I'm going to be a father."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? My wife doesn't know about it yet."
That one was emailed by a friend and, inspired as I am, here are some adaptations.
"You look troubled," I told this local mastan, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I'm going to pick up some money from the bank."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? I don't have a bank account."
"You look troubled," I told this bloke with publicity syndrome, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I'm going to join politics."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? I don't have a party to join."
"You look troubled," I told this acquaintance, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "The magistrate is visiting our area tomorrow."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? My factory is encroaching on government land."
"You look troubled," I told this grain importer, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "My ship has just anchored at the port."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? The whole lot has been found rotten."
"You look troubled," I told my very tough friend, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "My wife was awake when I reached home late last night."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? She called out someone else's name."
"You look troubled," I told this business magnate, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "They are going to publish my book."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? It's my company's book of accounts."
"You look troubled," I told the guy at the restaurant, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I've got a break as a hero in this action movie about the real life story of a crook."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? The story is based on me."
"You look troubled," I told this truant scholar, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I'm not going to school today."
"But that's wonderful for you," I said.
"What's wonderful? They have declared today a holiday ."
"You look troubled," I told my friend, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I'm going to get married."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? The bride's family thinks I am unmarried."
"You look troubled," I told the chamcha of a politician, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I'm going to see my leader."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? He is in jail."
"You look troubled," I told my childhood friend, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "I promised I would not talk to my wife for a year."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? Today is the last day."
"You look troubled," I told the upazilla chairman, "what's your problem?"
He replied, "The local people have found some relief material."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? They are already used in my new factory."
Now try and make one yourself:
"You look troubled," I told …………., "what's your problem?"
He replied, "……………………………………………..."
"But that's wonderful," I said.
"What's wonderful? ………….………………………...."

Copyright (R) thedailystar.net 2007