An unfinished agenda
Kamal Hossain
The transition to democracy in Bangladesh
after the removal of an authoritarian
regime through a popular movement
started in December 1990. A Joint
Declaration, a consensus document
subscribed to by the three major political
alliances, had been made on 19 November,
1990, setting out their common goals.
It had contained the following commitments:
replacement of a "rubber stamp"
parliament by one which was "sovereign",
establishment of an accountable government,
restoration of the rule of law and
the independence of judiciary, repeal
of "black laws" i.e., laws
inconsistent with fundamental rights,
upholding the freedom of the press
and entrusting radio and television
to an autonomous, independent agency.
rule of law was a priority objective,
since terrorism and extortion practiced
by armed gangs of mastans (thugs),
had been one of the obnoxious features
of the old order. It had disrupted
academic life in the universities
where students were already suffering
from a three-year backlog of examinations.
Armed thugs were infiltrated into
the universities to divide students
and to promote a kind of tribal conflict
among them so as to pre-empt a united
students' movement for restoration
of democracy.
civil administration, working for
years under an over-centralised authoritarian
system, had become a compliant instrument
for implementing arbitrary decisions.
With the restoration of democracy,
it was expected that there would be
more openness and transparency in
government, more active participation
of the people in the making of policies
and taking of decisions through an
active process of consultation. It
was also expected that radio and television
would be entrusted to an autonomous
years and three elections later, the
current situation presents a worrying
picture for all those who had wanted
to see democracy beginning to deliver.
The law and order situation has continued
to deteriorate. This was the result
of the continued failure in law enforcement
due to partisan procedures reminiscent
of the old order.
first principle of the rule of law,
namely that no one is above the law
and that all persons are equal in
the eye of the law, had been disregarded.
Armed thugs apparently under the protection
of the ruling party seemed to enjoy
immunity as they terrorised their
opponents in the campuses and outside.
The law-enforcing agencies, which
had been accustomed to such partisan
application of law, fell easily into
line and continued to look the other
way as campus violence resulted in
the closure of universities, Rajshahi
being the latest. The shoot out there
was between the "student"
organizations of political parties
in the ruling alliance.
principal political parties in Parliament
continued to pursue short term advantages.
It had been expected that Parliament
would emerge as a strong institution
where the Government and opposition
could work effectively together to
deal with critical national issues.
The national issues which called for
such a bi-partisan national approach
included violence in the campuses,
"sick" industries, the vacuum
created by the absence of elected
local government at administrative
tires below the national level, and
educational and administrative reforms
starting to optimise benefits from
development of natural resources such
as oil and gas, as also key foreign
policy areas such as water-sharing
within a framework of long term regional
cooperation. Unfortunately, the intensely
adversarial format in which parliamentary
politics was conducted led to increasing
confrontation within the Parliament
and outside.
is increasing realisation that each
political party must practice democracy
within the party. Every party worker
in Bangladesh would want to know from
their party leaders in parliament
why they attached the highest priority
to enhance their own salaries and
allowances before dealing with issues
of higher national priority. They
would want to know why they patronise
armed wings in their students' organisations
in a totally misguided pursuit of
the aim of controlling University
halls, thus destroying the environment
for higher education. They would want
to know why their leaders are unable
within parliament to adopt a unanimous
resolution directing the government
and the law-enforcing agencies to
take immediate and effective steps
to eliminate terrorism. They will
want to know why they are unable to
call a halt to the confrontational
style which results in walkouts, boycotts
and entirely unproductive exchanges
within Parliament, thus engendering
an atmosphere which encourages violence
outside, in particular between student
supporters of the political parties.
expect the parties to ensure that
their leaders are accountable to the
party membership and to bodies such
as their working committees and their
council. We cannot expect parliamentary
democracy as provided in the Constitution
to work if party leaders seek to concentrate
all powers in their own hands, as
in the presidential system which the
people have rejected, and why they
fail to consult their colleagues as
well as to respect public opinion
at large.
is remarkable national consensus within
the country today, popular unity cutting
across all parties on the need to
end violence to make a mutual effort
to create stable conditions in which
our children can carry on their educational
pursuits and productive activities
can be rigorously pursued. It is this
consensus and this popular unity which
needs to be consolidated so that political
parties are compelled by public pressure
to give up the politics of confrontation
and of patronising those who perpetrate
violence in the campuses and elsewhere
and instead to work out a national
compact on fundamental national issues
such as ending violence, establishing
the rule of law and respecting human
rights and promoting all forms of
productive activities.
unity of conscious citizens would
enable them to take meaningful action
to rescue the country from the sick
politics which is threatening our
future. An effective strategy must
include taking measures to recover
illegal arms and steps to de-mobilise
the armed cadres of the political
parties, neutralising of 'black money'
in order to create an environment
in which the next election can be
a true free and fair election.
Bangladesh continues to face the challenge
of carrying forward its transition
to democracy.
The author is senior advocate, Supreme