Star Chat
The Story of a
‘Good Egg’
Rumana Malik Munmun
talks to Sarah Z H
Photo: Yamin Tauseef Jahangir |
It is funny how I always wanted to be a teacher and instead ended up being a successful Television host. However, I do not have regrets because working for the media is now my passion and I do not allow regrets to settle in at any point of my life. My first day at 'Little Jewels Nursery Infant and Junior School' at Purana Paltan is a blur to me. It was years later that I learnt from my mother that my first day was a disaster. I kept on crying throughout the entire class time till my mother came to pick me up. My first school, where I spent an important five years of my life, just completed its 60th year in 2010.
I was and still am among the good eggs in the class; I never missed a class test or even home assignments. I must tell you all about my nursery teacher Shabnam miss who loved me to bits and made me sit on her lap only to keep me from crying while she taught the class about the many wonders of the world. I remember not being bogged down by my everyday to-do list when I was in kindergarten. But these days I get tired easily, and it worries me! It is my kindergarten years that kindled the dream of being a teacher. I used to finish up my homework on time so that I could start my classes with my imaginary students. I imparted all that I learnt in class everyday. I wore my mom's saree and wrote in my wobbly handwriting on a steel cabinet. I used white chalks to teach my class and one day my mom found that I was running out of surface to write on. The next day she bought me a 'real' blackboard and I continued my classes with the new equipment. I was never restless and was always a collected little girl who loved order and discipline. I kept my clothes neatly folded unlike many children of my age and followed a routine that had slots for all my passions like singing and dancing.
I joined 'Bulbul Lalitakala Academy' when I was five years old and I have been singing ever since. My dancing classes began at eight but as I grew up, life became strenuous because I was constantly involved with the media, and I did not have time for dancing anymore.
The year 1997 was unforgettable for me because I discovered my second home that changed my life for years to come. I have been a student of Scholastica from 1997 to 2005. It is like a huge chunk of my life. Sometimes, I look back at the times spent at school and I think that if those moments are somehow taken away from me, I would not be the person I am today. I miss everything about my second home because it was so generous in making me believe in myself. I was always regular in all the cultural events and also tried my hand in handball and basketball. I think I also played tournaments for the school team; all of this and I was never tired. At my secondary school's (Advanced Level Examinations) graduation ceremony, I was among the two students who were chosen for the valedictorian speech. It was a proud moment for me. It seems like yesterday that I spent more than half a day at school rehearsing for the cultural events, but the truth is I am even done with my bachelors. I started my MBA in the same university. North South University has been like a lifetime for me. I was naturally a part of NSUSS (North South University Shangskritik Shangathan) where I took part in celebrations of Pahela Baishak, Pahela Falgun and the most awaited event of the year, ACE (Annual Cultural Evening). There I met some people, my seniors Rasel bhai, Maha apu and Dipu da who taught me all about team spirit and dedication for work. I still have not gotten over my university days! In 2006 when I participated in the Lux Channel-i Superstar, I was amazed to find out that many students who were not even acquaintances voted for me because I was from their institution. This opportunity altered all that I knew and introduced me to a new way of life, a life that requires extensive hard work, great tenacity and innovation. And for now the only thing I am looking forward to is my convocation where I will be announced a BBA graduate, a priority that will remain high no matter what I choose to do in the future.