Feed Board
People should be the highest priority
I think subjects like Economics, Development studies, Gender studies, Environment Science and Public health are very important in Bangladesh right now. Our political and social infrastructure needs some kind of radical change, and that can only happen once we start thinking about the people. If the people are not kept in the centre of development and progress, then I don't think our nation will step forward. I came across an interesting quotation recently which said, “Should there be more people or more wealth, more wilderness or more automobiles, more food for poor or more services for the rich?” Star Campus should write more on such subjects.
Nusrat Anandita Kabir
Eastern University, Dhaka.
Inspiring Youth
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
Being a developing country, Bangladesh faces many difficulties to meet all the demands regarding electricity, due to lack of sufficient technology and other constrains. Taking necessary steps to produce and provide the people with electricity is a big challenge. It is a matter of great interest and pride that the initiative of 'Bottle light' taken by the creative mind, will surely solve the problem to a great extent. We really appreciate the project and therefore expect young people to be engaged with it. The government should help and support such projects to encourage the young people like us to carry on with such initiatives.
Topu Biswas
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
For Sports lovers
Photo: Anisur Rahman |
What will be really fun is that if Star Campus started a sports column. I love watching sports, and also reading about sports. The Asia Cup is going to continue till March 22. If there were short analytical pieces of the matches, cricket lovers like me and my friends will really appreciate it. The articles can also bring in thoughts and opinions of other young sports experts, who can say how the matches could have been played better, what tactics the players should have taken etc. This can be a fun section for young athletes who love reading intelligent opinion features on sports. Opinion pieces on sports are pretty uncommon, and they are actually fun to read if they are written well that is.
Brishti Sarkar
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka.
Political and religious affiliation- a big NO!
Universities should not have any political or religious affiliation. It's unnerving if you walk on your campus and see a picture of Sheikh Hasina glaring at you every morning. So will the administration hang the picture of Khaleda Zia if she comes next to power? Education is free of any affiliation, but maybe the administrators are yet to understand that. Moreover, it is also disturbing
when teachers who are religious start quoting from hadis and the quran in classrooms. My point is why should the teacher talk about religion in a liberal institution like university, and if the teacher wants to, then shouldn't s/he quote from scriptures of other religions too, along with Islam? Aren't education systems supposed to be enlightening?
Sana Islam
East West University, Dhaka.
Students go to classes!
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
Last week when I was on the road, I saw young students dressed in their uniform putting up posters of 'Cholo Dhaka Cholo' campaign of BNP. Also there were students on trucks who were doing campaigns of Awami League, wearing tee shirts of Sheikh Mujib's picture on them. It was an upsetting sight, because I'm guessing these students were more interested in such political activities, other than their classes. Are these students no longer interested in thinking about solutions for the country, but personal gain and power only? If students do not go to classes and get proper education, then who will think about long term solutions and policies for the nation?
Tarek Reza
North South University, Dhaka.
Dear Readers,
Write us letters between 100-150 words and send them with your full name, contact number, postal address and the institution you study or work at. Email them to us at starcampus@thedailystar.net or mail them to us at 64-65, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1215.