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Volume 3 Issue 6 | June 2008



Original Forum Editorial

Month in Review: Bangladesh
Month in Review: International
Balance of Power-- Rehman Sobhan
The Tentative Asian Tiger? --Faisal Salahuddin
Changing Times-- Samir Asaf
Can Our Shipbuilders Make It Alone?--Mahboob Ahmed
Photo Feature -- Children of the Docks --K M Asad
Environmental Blues-- Kakoli Prodhan
Kitty Hawk for India?-- JMir Mahfuz Rahman
The Puzzle of the World Economy-- Forrest Cookson
Nepal's Elections: Before and After -- Deb Mukharji
The Grandest Questions-- M. Amirul Alam and M. Zahidul Alam


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Whither World?

Naushad Ahmed

Willful, wrathful warlords with weighty war-chests
willingly, wantonly waged war
with withering words, with weapons.
Warily we watched,
withstanding what warmongers wreaked.
Wordlessly we wept,
whoever won.

Warped, wayward, worthless warlocks without wisdom
wickedly waved witching wands
which won wondrous wealth wrongfully,
while weary, worried, woebegone workmen,
wrestling with weakening, worsening want,
woefully wailed:
When? When will we win?


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