of Life
Courage and Integrity

nation pays tribute to the war hero after his death at Dhaka
is not every day that we are able to refresh our memories
about the heroes of our liberation war, and it is even more
rare to get a chance to know someone who belonged to a section
other than the educated urban middle class. Subedar Abdul
Wahab, like most of the mainstream freedom fighters, was
a man with his roots in rural Bengal. He was one of those
men who won the war for their nation. After his death few
months back, the Liberation War Museum planned a commemoration
programme in the month of August. "We failed to do
so in the face of the natural disaster that kept visiting
us," says Mafidul Haque, one of the members of the
Board of Trustees the institution.
Wahab was a man who will be remembered for his resilience
and love of his motherland. His contribution earned him
an honorary captainhood. In a commemoration ceremony, this
valiant freedom fighter was remembered by his fellow fighters
who revere him not only for his courage and leadership but
also for the human qualities he possessed.
the rain-drenched Friday, September 23, 2004, at the open
air auditorium of the Liberation War Museum, the stage was
set for the attending audience to listen to the tales of
the man who had set an example in combating the Pakistan
army as well as in war and personal ethics. For his contribution
to the Liberation War, Abdul Wahab earned the official commendation
of Bir Bikram and was declared an Honorary Captain
of the Bangladesh Army. However, he is also one of the less
talked about heroes of the war of '71. It is this fact that
the organisers wanted to bring to the fore.
Wahab was well known for being a responsible soldier as
well as for his readiness to defend the motherland. Colonel
Shafiat Jamil, who was the Commander in Chief of the 4th
Bengal Regiment stationed in Brahmanbaria in March, 1971,
remembered in his memoir of war that a jawan put
it to him outright by saying: "You know what is going
on, and we too understand the situation. If you fail to
give your decision at the right moment, you will never find
us, we will abandon you taking our arms with us." Wahab
belonged to the same clump of people who shared this feeling,
and were responsible for winning the nine-month-long war.
Wahab was one of those Junior Commission and Non-commission
army personnel who intiated the mutiny that followed the
Pakistan army crackdown on March 25, 1971.
was a decisive month in the history of Bangladesh as well
as for Wahab. His wife was to give birth to their third
daughter. On the 24th, Wahab, who used to live in the Comilla
cantonment with his family, checked his wife out of the
CMH, although doctors informed him that she had only four
to five more days left for delivery. Wahab knew that his
family would not be safe in the cantonment as soon as the
Bangali officers and the soldiers turned mutinous. It was
on March 27 that he sent his wife along with two of their
daughters off to her father's house disguised in tattered
clothes. Wahab's younger brother escorted them out of the
cantonment and they first took refuge in a relative's house
at a nearby village. It is from there that they walked to
their destination, which was a far off village. While on
their route, they narrowly escaped death in the hands of
the Pakistan army.
by then, was consumed in the brewing situation. A series
of operations thereafter soon made him a hero among the
Muktijoddhas. His exploits circulated among his people like
folk tales.
Liberation War Museum arranged for a commemoration programme
to highlight the fact that it is a man like Wahab with his
unparalleled contribution remains, to this days, an underrated
figure. Although he became a legend of sorts during the
war, in the discourses of the urban middle class heroes
of his ilk mostly remained unheard of. To them, the battles
were won by faceless rural populace, or eminent public and
military figures. Those who addressed the occasion made
it a point that the unsung heroes of the war find their
place in history. They stressed that the heroes were not
the high-ranking officers alone but also those who, like
Wahab, led platoons to play havoc in the enemy line.
porch of the museum, which is usually used as the open-air
auditorium, served not only as the multipurpose space for
the stage and the audience's seats on September 23, but
also as a display area. At the centre was the "field
map" that was used to describe the battles Wahab took
part as a leader of his platoon. The field map was a three
dimensional reconstruction of the army map of an area that
includes Kashba, Saldanadi and Company-ganj, places where
decisive battles were won, battles Wahab played a major
role in winning.
was master at carrying out ambush attacks. "His guerilla
warfare was based on practical knowledge, rather than learnt
theories," stressed Maj Gen (Retd) Amin Ahmed Chowdhury
(Bir Bikram).
first freedom fighter who addressed the occasion was Shahadat
Chowdhury, who is well-known as the editor of the defunct
government-owned weekly Bichitra and now as the man at the
helm of "Shaptahik 2000". He observed that the
war of '71 was a people's war and was fought by a vast majority
of the country." "Battles had always been dubbed
as Khaled Musharraf's or Shafiat Jamil's battles. In reality
they were fought by the root-level heroes and leaders like
Wahab," said Chowdhury.

Bikram Wahab (second from left) on a visit to Saldanadi
where numerous battles were fought
also remembers the occasion when he met the man for the
first time. Wahab was in lungi and squalid under-shirt.
"He was a man of small build, the weapon he was carrying
looked more prominent. He was a simple man, it was his intelligence
and courage that made him the legendary fighter he became,"
remembers Chowdhury. "There are battles that became
known as Wahab's war," he added during his address.
Kamrul Hasan Bhuiyan, who also fought the war alongside
Wahab, described two major battles led by Wahab. In both
the occasions, it was Wahab who went out in disguise as
a farmer to reiki the enemy line. In one of the battles,
Wahab and his 24 jawans were to intercept a progressing
Pak army convoy travelling from Comilla to Sylhet. A curfew
was on and after three day's journey, Wahab's men were tired.
They had come all the way from Devipur, India. The ambush
was to take place at Shalghar. It was in the middle of the
night, 12'o clock to be precise. At the first sight of the
headlights of the trucks in the army convoy, Wahab asked
his men to take position. "He asked them not to take
position beforehand, as he knew they were tired and might
fall asleep and even lose their morale on that dark, dreadful
night," Khan explained. Before the arrival of the convoy,
Wahab had decided on a plan of a four-minute long assault
and he had kept them huddled together in one place to boost
their morale.
strategies were flawlessly designed to overpower the redoubtable
Pakistani army. Since the beginning of the war, there was
a declaration of 50,000-Taka award by the Pakistan army
on Wahab's head. He was to be produced dead or alive. Wahab
did unimaginable damage to the occupation army. They needed
him to stop.
(now Chandpur, Brahmanbaria and Comilla) had been terrorised
by a man named Bokhary, a captain of the Pak army. And it
was a co-ordinated ambush on the advancing Pak army that
Wahab masterminded, which, in the end, put a stop to the
ongoing massacre. For his crimes, Bokhary had become known
as "butcher". The encounter with the butcher gives
us a clear scenario of the Muktibahini's progress. The Pakistan
army officers were plying through the river Shaldah on a
speedboat. It was in the month of May that the army was
out to strengthen their position in the area along the river
by reinforcing the far off outposts. Wahab knew that if
he confronted them while they were carrying firepower to
Jhikura, a riverside outpost, he would never win. Instead,
he ambushed them while they were returning from the place
where they took all the ammunition in the morning to pad
up their presence. The encounter caught the enemy off guard
and killed Bokhary and other high-ranking officers.
Abdul Matin, while addressing the audience, highlighted
a different aspect of Wahab's intelligence. "It often
turned out that the sitrp (situation report) that we used
to send to the Indian army intelligence were incorrect as
far as numbers of casualties were concerned. But, when Wahab
returned from a battle and prepared one, his figures were
exact, never needing any amendment," assured Matin.
the most endearingly remembered Wahab is the human Wahab,
one who forbade his jawans to touch any properties
left behind by the people who fled the villages. He did
not even allow his men of the Charlie or C division to catch
the fish of the ponds of those families to nourish themselves.
was only gura machh that was served in Wahab's
platoon most of the time. Even while collecting taxes from
the traders, he was a man of principle. His superiors knew
that he could be trusted," recalls Shahadat Chowdhury.
Gen (Retd) Amin Ahmed Chowdhury emphasised the only qualities
of Wahab from which, he contended, the new generation of
Bangladeshis has much to learn -- "It is his honesty
and integrity."
was born on March 15, 1927, in a humble abode of a schoolteacher,
at the village of Maricha, Comilla. His father, until the
day he died, regretted not having a tin-roofed house so
that the people who came to visit the place of his famous
son would not be disappointed. Wahab could only build the
house his father dreamed of in 1997, only when he retired
and received a one-time payment of Tk. 20,000 as his pension
He had
joined the army in 1948, and had, in the course of his life,
never deviated from his duty to his country and its people.
There is a book that retraces the battles he fought in '71.
Written by Lt Col Nurunnabi (Bir Bikram), it is not the
only source of information. The oral history that his co-fighters
presented, too, were a refresher course on the life of another
valiant hero of this nation. The Liberation War Museum will
keep the field map in place for a few more weeks to let
the school-going children, a generation that really needs
this stimulation, know about Wahab, the legendary freedom
(R) 2004