Star Chat
A lively spirit!
Masuma Rahman Nabila
Talks to
Salman Rob
courtesy: Masuma Rahman Nabila |
Growing up in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I went to Bangladesh International School and College there. I made my best friends over there when I was little and even after coming back to Bangladesh and staying here for twelve years, I still am in full contact with all of them. School days are the most cherished memories for a student.
I came back from Jeddah in the year 2000 and got into Cantonment Public School and College in Mymensingh from where I gave my Higher Secondary Certificate (SSC) exam. That school changed my life. Since I was a very shy girl from childhood, this school got me into things that I never thought I would do. Cultural activities, participating in different events, being member of a club were all mandatory for a regular student. And all these little things helped me become what I am today. The only bad memories I have from my school would be the last days of school.
After that, I joined Viqarunnisa Noon College (VNC) for my Secondary School Certificate (HSC). At every institution I joined through out my life, I learned a lot about our country, but when I joined VNC- I got to know a lot about our culture and heritage. We used to have festivals all around the year. Even though there was a lot of pressure of studies, I still managed to have my share of fun.
Later on I joined BRAC University where I did my undergraduate studies in English. And now I am doing my Masters in English as well. University is different; more freedom, but there are more responsibilities. I had my share of bunking classes in University, even though I do not encourage this- it is something every student has to experience at least once in their student lifetime.
Sahana Bajpai, Lecturer in English at BRAC University and a popular Rabindro Sangeet singer in Dhaka is one of the biggest inspirations in my life. She has a personality that everyone looks up to. She has an amazing way of interacting with her students. I admire her a lot. Another person who had a huge impact in my life was Dr Piash Karim, Professor, Economics and Social Science School at BRAC University. I got my minor in sociology and he taught me a lot about the society. He showed me how to enhance my mind and see everything from a broader perspective. This is now helping me a lot professionaly as a TV anchor.
I never planned my future and I do not want to either. I never thought I would become an anchor but I did and I am enjoying it to the fullest. This is something I would want to stick to as long as possible. Sometime in the future I would like to learn a bit about production as well.
To finish off, I would like to mention that whatever you achieve in life, you have to be honest and patient. Remember to always acknowledge the people who helped you or were there for you.
