Feed Board
A greener world to live in
The article 'A Green Hobby' reminded me about my daily errand that I usually ignore. My parents and I made a small garden on our rooftop with various fruits and flower trees, which I water every morning. The fact that the writer emphasised on the importance of a greener surrounding is something that every one should understand. After reading the article, I was more eager to make some room for more plants on my rooftop. The writer should have mentioned something about greenhouses and how that helps plant growth.
Syed Mojammel Karim
BRAC University,
Campus Sports
Photo: Rahul Talukder |
It is great that Star Campus has started publishing short reviews of the campus sports. There should be more of such reviews on tournaments and different sports. We do not have much of an “athlete culture” on campuses but whatever games and tournaments take place must be written about. I am sure this will draw in more readers who participate in different games like table tennis, football and even chess! There definitely should be a regular sports review column in the magazine. The writing could have been stronger, with sports lingo. I am looking forward to more campus sports reviews.
Dewan Sayeed
East West University,
The Quest to build a Humane Society
Photo: Kazi Tahsin Agaz Apurbo |
The news of recent violent crimes in Dhaka are shocking and upsetting. The way the 18-year- old girl's body was found mutilated is just horrifying. How can we say that we live in a civilised society after this? Women and children are the main victims of cruelty and barbarism. Moral values are degrading day by day. Social crimes, unrest, tension and apprehension are increasing. I do not know how to feel safe anymore. Is there any way out from this social decadence? Human beings are supposed to be the best creations- will our political parties, civil society organisations, mass media, educational institutes, religious leaders and senior citizens take the necessary initiatives to stop violence?
S M Rayhanul Islam
Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
In the name of religion
People who are uneducated and stay in the darkness of ignorance, often fall victim to fake “pir” or “moulobi”(s) who cheat them in the name of religion. There are many out there who, when have troubles of some kind, go to these “moulobi” for remedy. In the name of religion, they end up robbing off the ordinary people. In many villages these so called religious people are very powerful, since they can issue fatwa against men and women, and torture helpless people. Many evil activities are performed by these religious people who are nothing but a bunch of fakes. We have to take strong steps to spread awareness and sensitivity to protect people who know no better.
Kazi Zeenat Mitu
American International University, Bangladesh, Dhaka.
Cultural control
Photo: Rahul Talukder |
It is alright to know another language and endorse it in everyday life, but doing that at the cost of losing respect for one's mother tongue is unacceptable. It is ridiculous how the young people of the current generation are exposed to the culture of Hindi serials. People are keen to watch these soaps, rather than the ones made in our country. Last year, at a festival in my school, one of the food stalls was named "Chammak Challo;” I did not find a stall named “Shonar Bangla.” It is important to understand that the Hindi serials are quite sexist in nature, and can be culturally troublesome.
Fariha Ferdous Deeny
Viqarunnisa Noon School and College,Dhaka.
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