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Linking Young Minds Together
  Volume 6 | Issue 24 | June 17, 2012 |


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Leap-frogging with Mobile Technology

Photo Courtesy: IBA

bKash Limited arranged a seminar on “Taking a Leap into the Next Generation with Mobile Technology” at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Auditorium of Dhaka University on Wednesday, May 16. The seminar aimed at informing the new generation how rapidly technological advances are made and urging them to leap forward and seize the opportunity to utilise those new advances in their day-to-day lives.

Professor G M Chowdhury, Director of IBA, said in his welcome note that bKash Limited is taking the step forward to lead Bangladesh further and that it pleased him that students who had graduated from IBA are working at bKash and he hoped that future IBA graduates would also be successful in their endeavors. The Chief Executive Officer of bKash, Kamal Quadir, gave an insightful and inspiring presentation and spoke about the lives of ordinary Bangladeshis and how technology has helped them to improve their daily lives and livelihood.

The seminar was spontaneously attended by more than 200 students of IBA. After the CEO's presentation, volunteers from the audience were asked to experience sending and receiving money on two life-sized dummy mobile phones so that they could understand how easily and quickly transactions are done. Then, a very lively and interactive Question and Answer session was held where students asked various questions regarding bKash to the CEO and other bKash management members.

IBA faculty members and executives from bKash were also present at the seminar.

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