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Volume 2 Issue 9| November 2007



Original Forum Editorial

Month in Review: Bangladesh
Month in Review: International
The dilemmas of rural finance- - Akbar Ali Khan
On agflation--Jyoti Rahman
Political failure of the state as a chronic infection-- Afsan Chowdhury
Trying to remember, refusing to forget-- Tazreena Sajjad
Of coups and killings, of hope and despair-- Syed Badrul Ahsan
Aristocracy versus meritocracy-- Akhter M. Choudhury
Photo Feature Poverty amidst plenty-- GMB Akash
Inner wheels-- Gazi Nafis Ahmed
Pakistan's mercenary elites -- M. Shahid Alam
Reforming the political parties--A.T. Rafiqur Rahman
Responsible tourism-- Md. Anwarul Islam
Writing Pakistan-- Kamila Shamsie
Long summer nights-- Rumi Ahmed
Science Forum
It's No Joke


Forum Home


Photo Feature

A photo feature by GMB Akash
Poverty amidst plenty

Poverty remains endemic in countries in the developing world such as Bangladesh. Despite our best efforts, and steady poverty reduction, there are still too many whose lives are trapped in misery and degradation. Our struggle to ensure everyone a decent, dignified life can never end.

But it is not only in the developing world that there is poverty and homelessness and despair. Even in the richest countries in the world, even amidst the plenty of Europe or North America, there remain countless lost souls, sleeping on the streets and forced to beg for change to find food to eat. The world can be a cold and hard place, and these photographs are a reminder of out common humanity and our common struggle for simple human dignity, everywhere in the world.























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